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November 8, 2024

Understanding Your Annual Tax Statement: A Guide  

3 minute read

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It can be challenging to manage your taxes, especially when it comes to the Annual Tax Statement (årsopgørelse). 

We've created a clear and simple guide to help you understand your Annual Tax Statement, find it, correct errors, and know why your bank might ask for it. 

What is an annual tax statement?

Think of it as a summary of everything you earned and all the taxes you paid throughout the year. The annual tax statement is created by the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelsen) to show whether you have paid the correct amount of tax. If you have paid too much, you’ll get a refund—a nice surprise! If you have paid too little, you’ll need to pay the remaining amount. 

What’s the difference between a preliminary income assessment and an annual tax statement?

A preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelse) is like a plan or budget you create at the beginning of the year, where you estimate your income and the tax you’ll pay. You can update this assessment during the year if your financial situation changes. The annual tax statement shows the actual figures - what you actually earned and paid in tax.  

How do you find your annual tax statement?

You can find your annual tax statement by logging into skat.dk using MitID. 

The Danish Tax Agency automatically prepares it based on information from your employer, bank, and other sources. It is typically available in March each year, but if you have a sole proprietorship, it might be finalised later due to the processing of additional information. You can also view previous years' statements by logging in to skat.dk

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Tutorials: How to Access Your Annual Tax Statement

Go to Finklusiv's Youtube Channel to find our step by step tutorials on how to access your Annual Tax Statements from skat.dk

We have a Danish and an Arabic Version. Find them by following the links below. 

Danish Version  Arabic Version 

What should you do if there are errors?

If you find errors in your annual tax statement, you can correct them by logging into skat.dk. This might include adding deductions or updating any other relevant details. Always review your statement carefully to ensure everything is accurate. 

What to do if you get a refund or need to pay more tax?

If you’re owed a refund, the money will be automatically transferred to your NemKonto. If you need to pay extra tax, you can do so via skat.dk. Be sure to pay before the deadline to avoid interest charges.

What to keep in mind if you have a sole proprietorship?

If you have a sole proprietorship, the income from your business is taxed as part of your personal income. This means that your annual tax statement is often processed later than for regular employees, as more data needs to be handled. Make sure to keep your accounting in order and report all income and deductions correctly.

Why does the bank want to see your annual tax statement?

When applying for loans or credit, banks often request your annual tax statement to understand your financial situation. It shows your income and tax obligations, helping the bank assess your ability to repay. You can give the bank permission to access this information through eSkat.

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Do you need help?

If you have questions about your Annual Tax Statement, you can always contact Finklusiv for support and guidance.

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